Family Owned & Operated

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Mr. Horace Cook founded A­1 Bonding Company in 1948. Mr. Cook owned and operated the bail bonding company until 1987 when it was sold to Glenn Strickland. Shortly before his retirement, Mr. Cook was recognized as the “Dean”  of the professional bail bonding community.

Glenn Strickland was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and proudly served our country from 1965 to 1974 in Vietnam and in the Philippines.

Glenn started in the bail bond business in 1979 and made A­1 Bonding his parent company in1987. He has maintained a commitment to outstanding customer service throughout his career in the bail bonding profession.

During his 33+ years of experience in this proud profession, he has confronted many challenging opportunities to both protect and improve business relations with both the government and private sectors.

In the Professional Bondsmen of Houston (PBH), he served in several board positions ultimately being elected President (2 terms) and was awarded the “Bondsmen of the Year” by the Houston Bondsmen in 1985 and 2004. In 2009 Glenn was elected to the Bail BondsmenHall of Fame.

In the Professional Bail Bondsmen of Texas (PBT), he was a member of the PBT Board of Directors and a member of the legislative committees. He has also held the elected positions of Vice­President (1 term) and President (2 terms). Glenn was awarded the “Professional Bail Bondsman of the Year” Award in 2004.

Glenn was actively involved with the Professional Bail Bond Agents of the United  States (PBUS), In 1991 Glenn was instrumental as a co-founder the “Council of Presidents”, a group that advises our national association. He assisted in the development of an arena where both former and sitting presidents of individual state associations come together and speak as peers about issues common to all bail bondsmen and our profession. While spectators are welcome, only the council members are recognized to speak and engage in questions and debates. He served as Chair of the COP for nine consecutive years until 2000. In  February 2004, he was again elected Chair of this group by a unanimous vote. As  Chair of the council, he has a seat on the national board of directors of the  P.B.U.S.

In December 2004, he was elected by the licensed Harris County bondsmen, as the bail bonding representative for the Harris County Bail Bond Board.

In 2022, the business has been passed to the next generation with Glenn’s son, Chris. 

Chris and his entire staff at A1 Bonding understand that sometimes, good people find themselves in bad situations. A­1 Bonding is committed to helping you through the bail bond process quickly, confidentially and affordably!

Call A-1 Bonding Company at

Fast and reliable Houston Bail Bonds service. Call our team that is standing by ready to take your call. We can help you get peace of mind about the process with the best advice so you can move forward. If you have a friend, family member or loved on in jail and need bail give us a call. We are here to guide and help you through the process.

Getting arrested, booked and jailed can be a terrifying, confusing and dangerous experience, and many people don’t know what to do next or what steps to take to get out of confinement in a jail cell. A-1 Bonding knows the process inside and out, understanding the ways to get you, your friend or loved one out of jail quickly. We initiate and complete the bail bond process in three steps:

  1. Call us to discuss how the bail bond procedure works. We will find the best fit for your financial situation.
  2. We will explain how you will pay a small portion of the full bail amount.
  3. Then we work with the jail facility to secure a detention release fast, presenting a full bail amount to the court.

Call the bail bond pros for Houston today at 713-223-8377.

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