In short, Bail is that part of our legal system that allows an accused person to be temporarily released from custody so they can continue their lives while they prepare for their day in court. In criminal cases, it is a sum of money, real property, or surety bond that needs to be posted by or on behalf of a defendant to guarantee their appearance in court. The right to reasonable Bail is guaranteed to you in the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.

The court system will set the amount of bail required for the defendant’s release. Under state law, a surety company can provide a type of insurance policy or “bond” that guarantees payment of the full bail amount to the court if the defendant does not show up for all scheduled appearances. These bonds are offered by licensed bail bondagencies.

bail bond is a financial guarantee made by, or on behalf of, a criminal defendant that is used to guarantee their appearance in court through the disposition of their case. Failure by the defendant to appear will result in a bail bond forfeiture.

An indemnitor, or a guarantor, is the person(s) willing to be financially responsible for the defendant while they are out on bail and co-assumes financial liability to guarantee the full bail bond amount.

bail bond is exonerated when the legal process/trial has finished. It does not matter whether the defendant is found guilty or innocent or the case dismissed. At this point, the liability for the bail bondamount is discharged, however and any unpaid premium, fees or charges incurred by the bail agency on your behalf are still owed to that agency.

Bail bond forfeiture results when a court appearance is missed. If a defendant misses a court date, a bench warrant is issued for their arrest. The court also sets a deadline for when either the defendant must be located/returned to custody or the bail bond“reinstated” or the bail bond amount must be paid to the court.

A summary judgment is issued by the court following a bail bond forfeiture. This is a judgment against the surety for payment of the bail bond amount. The summary judgment is issued because the deadline for reinstating the bond or returning the defendant to custody has passed.

This is a process by which a defendant who has experienced a bail bond forfeiture can have their bench warrant removed and the bail bond re-activated or “reinstated” with the court. This is a legal proceeding that usually requires action by an attorney and could result in fees being paid by the bail bond agency. These fees are, in turn, passed along to the defendant or their indemnitors.

The amount of the bail is first and foremost within the scope and discretion of the judge or magistrate, with only two general limitations:

  1. The purpose of bail is not to penalize or punish the defendant, but only to secure the appearance of the accused, and it should be set with that in mind.
  2. Excessive bail, not warranted by the circumstances or the evidence at hand, is not only improper but a violation of constitutional rights. In fixing the amount of the bail bond, the court takes into consideration the seriousness of the charge, the defendant’s previous criminal record and the probability of the defendant appearing at the trial or hearing.

Additionally, if public safety is an issue, the court may make an inquiry where it may consider allegations of injury to the victim, danger to the public and/or to the defendant, threats to the victim or a witness, the use of a deadly weapon and the defendant’s use or possession of controlled substances. A judge or magistrate setting bail in other than a scheduled or usual amount must state on the record the reasons and address the issue of threats made against a victim or a witness. The court must also consider evidence offered by the detained person regarding ties to the community and ability to post bond.

This is a question best answered by a licensed bail bond agent. Please contact us at 713-223-8377 or 713-BAIL BOND.

If you elected to use a bail agency to post your bail bond, the agency is initially responsible to the court for the bail bond amount. The defendant and indemnitors are responsible to the bail bond agency for the premium and any fees or additional expenses incurred by the agency on their behalf. These monies are earned at the time the defendant is released from custody and therefore not subject to return. This is the case even if the defendant is found innocent, the case is dismissed or the defendant is placed back into custody for another offense.

In an effort to make your experience with A-1 Bail bonds as easy as possible, we offer several different ways to make payments. We hope that you choose us when you need a Houston bail bondsman.

Call A-1 Bonding Company at

Fast and reliable Houston Bail Bonds service. Call our team that is standing by ready to take your call. We can help you get peace of mind about the process with the best advice so you can move forward. If you have a friend, family member or loved on in jail and need bail give us a call. We are here to guide and help you through the process.

Getting arrested, booked and jailed can be a terrifying, confusing and dangerous experience, and many people don’t know what to do next or what steps to take to get out of confinement in a jail cell. A-1 Bonding knows the process inside and out, understanding the ways to get you, your friend or loved one out of jail quickly. We initiate and complete the bail bond process in three steps:

  1. Call us to discuss how the bail bond procedure works. We will find the best fit for your financial situation.
  2. We will explain how you will pay a small portion of the full bail amount.
  3. Then we work with the jail facility to secure a detention release fast, presenting a full bail amount to the court.

Call the bail bond pros for Houston today at 713-223-8377.

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